Alex Jones - False Choices - Glenn Beck

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 , Posted by Tammy Harlan at 8:18 PM

It's almost too obvious that Beck is "controlled opposition." Yes, he did begin a very big movement.. and for several months I never missed his show. But then you have to stop and think about the fact that whenever anyone has the ability to generate a huge following - they also have the ability to lead that mass astray... and you must keep an open mind.

His information is "controlled" in that he never provides the truth in its entirety. For instance, in his documentary last Friday, he told of Hitler's rising but he left out a very important piece of information... "Who Funded Hitler?"

Wouldn't it be of significance to know that Prescott Bush had a hand in funding Hitler's rise to power? I think that's a very important piece of information that should have been included in Beck's "Live Free.. or Die" documentary, don't you?,2933,100474,00.html

He also makes certain that his followers continue to "hate" those who question 9/11. O'Reilly does the same.

All main stream media, including FOX, is owned by a select few corporations which are run by the global bankers. This is why it is important to seek out alternative media outlets.

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