ENDGAM3: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Marley And Me

New World Order' Emerging At G-20 Summit

Crank:High Voltage

Fall of the Republic

WATCHMEN - The Movie

Illuminati : They All Around Us

Bedtime Stories
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Esoteric Agenda

Posted by Tammy Harlan on Friday, January 29, 2010 , under , | comments (0)

Nothing in this video is "true", but it is exactly how things are.

The Calling

Posted by Tammy Harlan on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 , under , , , , , | comments (0)

Open Your Mind - See Things as They Actually Are

Posted by Tammy Harlan on , under , , , , | comments (0)

Project Cloverleaf - The Purpose of Chemtrails

Posted by Tammy Harlan on , under , , , | comments (0)

This indepth interview with a former government employee A.C. Griffith, who worked very intimately with the secret government project codenamed "Project Cloverleaf". Mr Griffith gives details of the severity of chemtrails and the immediate effects from them. Mr Griffith also explains how he actually got deep access into the program witnessing first hand the extent of the aerosol purpose and the true way the aerosols are deployed into our atmosphere. A system designed that is attached on the wings of the aircraft and released from specially constructed aerosol canisters. Chemtrails are thereby not produced or created by the aircraft or it's exhaust . This is a regularly attempted explanation by disinformation specialists to discredit the truth of what chemtrails really are. Barium and other harmful chemical components are a sytematic project one titled "Project Clover Leaf" that is contuining daily world wide. Listen to this compelling interview and consider the reprecutions of what is being sprayed daily over our skies worldwide particulates we breathe every day too.

How the Elite Control Politics

Posted by Tammy Harlan on , under , , , , | comments (0)

It is very important for us all to realise that we're living under a simple but clever system that has been designed to contain revolution whilst projecting the illusion of being a free, fair and open democracy. The 2-party system provides firm support for the elite to implement their agenda from the top down, whilst the ordinary people at the grassroots level squabble between themselves over which political party is the best. In reality, it doesn't matter which of the two parties you vote for because the same agenda will unfold regardless. Hence, both parties are controlled at the very top by the same force.

It's My Duty To Speak Out - I Killed Innocent People

Posted by Tammy Harlan on , under , | comments (0)

Alex Jones - False Choices - Glenn Beck

It's almost too obvious that Beck is "controlled opposition." Yes, he did begin a very big movement.. and for several months I never missed his show. But then you have to stop and think about the fact that whenever anyone has the ability to generate a huge following - they also have the ability to lead that mass astray... and you must keep an open mind.

His information is "controlled" in that he never provides the truth in its entirety. For instance, in his documentary last Friday, he told of Hitler's rising but he left out a very important piece of information... "Who Funded Hitler?"

Wouldn't it be of significance to know that Prescott Bush had a hand in funding Hitler's rise to power? I think that's a very important piece of information that should have been included in Beck's "Live Free.. or Die" documentary, don't you?



He also makes certain that his followers continue to "hate" those who question 9/11. O'Reilly does the same.

All main stream media, including FOX, is owned by a select few corporations which are run by the global bankers. This is why it is important to seek out alternative media outlets.